Janette McMahon presided over the October 5th meeting of the DeWitt Noon Lions. Sally Burroughs reported that the Kidsight program will begin this month. Janette reported that a diabetes session will be held at the DeWitt Public Library in November. Monica Murphy is organizing the advertising for the 2024 Travelogue series. Upcoming Regional activities include the Fall Learning Conference in Grinnell on October 21st, and the Fall Rally October 28th in Bettendorf.
Attention members – there are two activities occurring soon. The Butterfly Garden will be cut down Wednesday, October 11th at 8 a.m., please bring a rake to help with cleanup. The district meeting will be October 16th at Buzzy’s. Contact Jane Kedley to get registered right away.
The meeting guests were Erik Johnson, Central DeWitt Athletic Director, and then five student athletes introduced themselves. They were asked about their sports activities at Central, their future plans, and how the transition into the MAC has been for them.
The next DeWitt Noon Lions meeting will be 12-1 p.m. at the DeWitt Public Library on October 19th. DeWitt Fire Chief Scott Best will speak about the new fire house building and the department in general.